GRE Coaching


GRE Verbal Section Old vs New Pattern

New GRE Pattern 2011Current/Old GRE Pattern
Scores Range130 -170200 - 800
Types of Questions1 Text completion Questions
2 Sentence Equivalence Questions
3 Reading Comprehension Questions.
4 NO Antonyms
5 NO Analogies
1 Analogies
1 Antonyms
1 Sentence Completions
1 Reading Comprehension
Sample questionsGRE Verbal New Pattern 2011GRE Verbal Old/Current Pattern
Score Increments1 Point increments10 point increments
Sections2 Sections1 section
Question per sectionApproximately 20Exactly 30
Time Allocated30 Minute Per section, total will be 60 Minutes30 Minutes

GRE Quantitative Reasoning Section Old vs New Pattern

New GRE Pattern 2011Current/Old GRE Pattern
Scores Range130 -170200 - 800
Types of Questions1 Multiple Choice questions
- Select One answer Choice
- Select One or more answer choices
2 Numeric Entry questions
3 Quantitative comparison Questions
Quantitative Comparison
Problem Solving
Data Interpretation
Sample questionsGRE Quant Reasoning 2011GRE Verbal Old/Current Pattern
Score Increments1 Point increments10 point increments
Sections2 Sections1 section
Question per sectionApproximately 20Exactly 28
Time Allocated35 Minute Per section, total will be 70 Minutes45 Minutes

GRE Analytical Writing Section Old vs New Pattern

New GRE Pattern 2011Current/Old GRE Pattern
Scores Range0 - 60 - 6
Types of Questions2 Questions2 Questions
Sample questions0.50.5
SectionsOne Section No Section Concept
Question2 Questions or Tasks - One Analyze and issue task -One Analyze an Argument Task2 Questions or Tasks -One Issue task – Choose from two -1 Argument task- No choice.
Sample QuestionsAnalytical Writing GRE 2011Analytical Writing GRE Old/Current
Time Allocated• 30 Minutes per task
• Total 60 minutes for two tasks or questions
• 45 minutes for Issue task
• 30 minutes for Argument task
  • An unidentified Unscored section is same in both old or current and the new GRE pattern. This section may be included or may not be, it depends…if included, it will not counted towards part of your score.
  • An identified Research section is also the same case, it will be at the end of the test in both new and old/current GRE.

Computer Based Revised GRE - General Test

Test Contains 6 Sections


TWO TASKS (which always comes first in the test)





One unscored section – Verbal Reasoning or Quantitative Reasoning section, that may appear at any point in the test.

Questions in the unscored section are being tried out either for possible use in future tests or to ensure that scores on new editions of the test are comparable to scores on earlier editions.

An identified research section may be included in place of the unscored section. The research section will always appear at the end of the test. Question in this section are included for the purpose of ETS research and will not count toward your score.

The Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and unidentified/unscored sections may appear in any order , therefore, you should treat each section as if it counts toward your score.

The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measure are section-level adaptive. The computer selects the second section of a measure based on your performance on the first.

The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures allow you to preview other questions within the specific section on which you are working, review questions you have already answered, and change your answers.

Computer Based Revised General Test Timings :

Total testing time is 3 hours and 45 minutes, including the unscored section. The directions at the beginning of each Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning section specify the total number of questions in the section and the time allowed for the section. For the Analytical Writing Section, the timing for each task is shown when the task is presented.

Analytical Writing (one section)2 separately timed writing tasks30 minutes per task
Verbal Reasoning (two sections) Approximately 20 questions per section30 minutes per section
Quantitative Reasoning (two sections) Approximately 20 questions per section35 minutes per section
Unscored * Approximately 20 questions 35 minutes per section
Research **VariesVaries
  1. * An unidentified unscored section that does not count toward a score may be included and may appear in any other.
  2. ** An identified research section that is not scored may be included and it will always be at the end of the test.
  3. Validity of 5 years.
  4. It is conducted daily thrice in a week.
  5. And the examination can be booked online through Credit Card.

Score Reporting :

Three scores will be reported on the revised general test:

  1. A Verbal Reasoning score reported on a new 130-170 score scale, in 1 point increments.
  2. A Quantitative Reasoning score reported on a new 130-170 score scale, in 1 point increments.
  3. An Analytical Writing score reported on a 0-6 score scale, in half-point increments.

If you do not answer any questions at all for a measure (verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning or analytical writing), you receive a no score (ns) for that measure.

On Test Day:

  1. Bring a photo id – (passport)
  2. Bring a list of four schools that you wish to send your scores to.
  3. Arrive at the test center 30 minutes before your test appointment. If you arrive late, you might not be admitted and your fee will be forfeited.
  4. You will be provided with scratch paper. Don’t not bring your own, and do not remove scratch paper form the testing room.
  5. You cannot bring testing aids in to the testing room. This includes pen calculators, watch calculators, books, rulers, cellular phones, watch alarms and any electronic or photographic devices.
  6. You will be photographed and videotaped at the test center.

What is new about the score scale?

  1. Since there are substantial changes to the Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning measures, the score scales were changed in these sections. The Analytical Writing score level will remain the same.Here are the new score scales for the GRE revised General Test:
    1. Verbal Reasoning scores will be reported on a new 130 – 170 score scale, in 1-point increments (versus 200 – 800 in 10-point increments).
    2. Quantitative Reasoning scores will be reported on a new 130 – 170 score scale, in 1-point increments (versus 200 – 800 in 10-point increments).
    3. Analytical Writing scores will continue to be reported on the same 0 – 6 score level, in half-point increments.

What skills does the GRE revised General Test measure?

    1. The Verbal Reasoning section measures your ability to analyze and draw conclusions from discourse, understand multiple levels of meaning, select important points and understand the meanings of sentences and entire texts.
    2. The Quantitative Reasoning section measures your ability to interpret and analyze quantitative information and use mathematical skills such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics to solve problems.
    3. The Analytical Writing section continues to measure your ability to sustain a well-focused, coherent discussion, articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively, support your ideas with relevant examples and examine claims and accompanying evidence.

    Learn more about what the GRE revised General Test measures.

How does the content of the GRE revised General Test differ from the current GRE General Test?

There are new types of questions on the GRE revised General Test that better reflect the kind of thinking you’ll do in graduate or business school programs.

In the Verbal Reasoning section, antonyms and analogies have been removed from the test, so you’re no longer tested on vocabulary out of context. New types of questions have also been added to test your ability to interpret, evaluate and reason from what you’ve read.

In the Quantitative Reasoning section, more focus has been placed on data interpretation and real-life scenarios, with multiple-choice and numeric entry answers. You’ll also be able to use an on-screen calculator to reduce the emphasis on computation.*

In the Analytical Writing section, you’ll be given one topic to complete an essay task about, rather than a choice of topics. Tasks are more specific, to ensure you can integrate critical thinking and analytical writing by fully addressing the tasks presented.

Learn more about changes to the GRE revised General Test content.

What level of math content is included in the GRE revised General Test?

The GRE revised General Test uses the foundations of high school math to test quantitative reasoning. The test material measures your ability to understand basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data analysis; to reason quantitatively; and to solve problems in a quantitative setting.

How long is the GRE revised General Test?

The total testing time for the computer-based revised test is around three hours and 45 minutes, plus short breaks. Get more details on the timing.

And the  reference website :

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